GSEF Global Youth Camp for SSE 2017

22 Aug 2017 to 25 Aug 2017
Category of project: 

Title: Reviva, the youth revive the society 
Date: August 22-25
Venue: Seoul and Gurye, Republic of Korea
Participants: approx 100 youth representatives from around the globe


Sponsored by the City of Seoul and jointly organized with GSEF, iCOOP, HBM, Mondragon Team Academy, Underdogs, CHNGR and Happy Coop Tour, the 1st edition of GSEF Global Youth Camp for SSE successfully took place from 22nd to 25th of August in Seoul and Gurye, South Korea. For four days, over 100 youth social economy actors from 25 different countries identified current social challenges and discussed ways of resolving the problems through seminars, on-site workshops and working group discussions facilitated by the co-organizers of the camp. The camp was a follow-up of the GSEF 2016 Montreal Declaration (Resolution No.6: Recognize and support youth as important actors for the future of the SSE movement).

During the four day camp, the first day was carried out in Seoul City Hall and various SSE sites in Seoul, covering topics from social innovation to urban regeneration.

Starting from the second day of the camp, all programs were offered in Gurye Natural Dream Park of iCOOP, which is the one of the biggest consumer cooperatives in Korea. During the opening and two plenary sessions, the participants focused on the meaning and value of social economy in local and international contexts and shared their stories about making changes in their society like the revitalization of the local community, quality of work, women’s health, etc. All participants were divided into five thematic working groups according to their topics of interest such as decent work (I and II), housing, social finance and the local community. You can read the Working Group Reports by following the links below.

On the evening of the third day, participants teamed up with others outside of their working group to engage in a group project called ‘Birthgiving’, which involved coming up with innovative projects to change the society.

The last day was dedicated to writing up the Global Youth Declaration which identifies current challenges for youth and consequent ways to promote SSE as a means to overcome these hurdles and make positive changes in our society. You can read the full youth declaration here.

You can read an in-depth interview with the participants of the youth camp as well as an overview of the camp including the GSEF youth declaration here.

Working Group Report (click each working group link below to read the details of the presentations)

Decent Work 1 - John Won (South Korea)

Decent Work 2 - Yong Kun Cho (South Korea)

Local Communities - Jon Abaitua (Spain)

Housing - Nicolas Nadeau (Canada)

Social Finance - Yujiao Xia (China)