GSEF Training & Workshop Series: National Training in Senegal
Venue: Saly, Senegal
Organized by GSEF in partnership with Dakar Metropolitan Government, the Platform of Senegalese Non-State Stakeholders (PFAnE), and the International Organisation of the Francophonie (OIF), a national capacity-building training took place in Senegal from 1-3 May 2019. This event gathered representatives from local governments, NGOs, SSE organizations, and the private sector from all over the country.
As part of the Training, workshops were organized around each of the following topics:
- Legal framework and instruments & public policies
- Capacity building
- Governance of SSE organizations
- Financing for the SSE
- Access to markets
- Awareness raising and promotion of SSE at territorial level
Exchanges and discussions led to drawing up specific recommendations and an action plan towards the development of SSE and the further structuring of SSE actors in the country. For more information, refer to the final report available in the download section of this page.
This training in Senegal is the first in a series of regular capacity-building events aiming to identify common issues, share best practices, and allow knowledge exchange and partnership building between practitioners, while taking into consideration the needs and context of each territory. Future meetings will take place in Uganda, Mexico City and Seoul.
Media & Resources
Photos of the event
Press release from the International Organisation of the Francophonie (OIF) (in French only)
Message from Ms Laurence Kwark (in French only)
Interview with Pr Babacar Gueye, President of the Platform of Senegalese Non-State Stakeholders (in French only)
Interview with Mr Mourad Dieye Gueye, Secretary General of the City of Dakar and President of CEPEM (Business Incubator for the Promotion of Employment through Microenterprise) (in French only)
Interview with Mr Cheickh Gueye, Mayor of the commune of Dieppeul-Derklé and Member of the High Council of Local Government Authorities (HCCT) of Senegal (in French only)
Interview with Mr Jean Goepp, Founder and Director of Nebeday (in French only)
Interview with Ms Mame Saye Seck, Project Coordinator for the SSE, National Union of Senegalese Autonomous Trade Unions (UNSAS) (in French only)